

Ph. D   Virginia Tech,   2018

B.S.   Tongji Unversity,   2012

Work Experience

Senior Research Specialist,   Zhejiang Lab,   2022.08 - Present

Senior Algorithm Engineer,   Alibaba Group,   2020.03 - 2022.05

Senior Algorithm Engineer,  Star Charge,   2019.10 - 2020.03

Student Intern,  Oak Ridge National Lab,   2015.01 - 2015.11


(9) Y. Tang, J. E. McLaughlan, G. S. Grest, and S. Cheng, Modeling Solution Drying by Moving a Liquid-Vapor Interface: Method and Applications, Polymers 14, 3996 (2022).
(8) Y. Tang, G. S. Grest, and S. Cheng, Stratification of drying particle suspensions: Comparison of implicit and explicit solvent simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 224901 (2019).
(7) Y. Tang, G. S. Grest, and S. Cheng, Control of stratification in drying particle suspensions via temperature gradients, Langmuir 35, 4296 (2019).
(6) Y. Tang and S. Cheng, The meniscus on the outside of a circular cylinder from microscopic to macroscopic scales, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 533, 401 (2019).
(5) Y. Tang and S. Cheng, Capillary forces on a small particle at a liquid-vapor interface: theory and simulation, Phys. Rev. E 98, 032802 (2018).
(4) Y. Tang, G. S. Grest, and S. Cheng, Stratification in drying films containing bidisperse mixtures of nanoparticles, Langmuir 34, 7161 (2018).
(3) S. Li, Y. Tang, T. A. Maier, and S. Johnston, Phase competition in a one- dimensional three-orbital Hubbard-Holstein model, Phys. Rev. B 97, 195116 (2018).
(2) S. Li, N. Kausha, Y. Wang, Y. Tang, G. Alvarez, A. Nocera, T. A. Maier, E. Dagotto, and S. Johnston, Nonlocal correlations in the orbital selective Mott phase of a one-dimensional multiorbital Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. B 94, 235126 (2016).
(1) F. Bao, Y. Tang, M. Summers, G. Zhang, C. Webster, V. Scarola, and T. A. Maier, Fast and efficient stochastic optimization for analytic continuation, Phys. Rev. B 94, 125129 (2016).

Quotes/Paragraphs that I like OR make me laugh

(40) As I browse throught Einstein’s published scientific papers (a browsing which, unfortunately, I must do in the 1965 Russian edition of his collected works because I read no German and most of his papers have not as of 1993 been translated into English!), I am struck by the profound change of character of Einstein’s work in 1912. Before 1912 his papers are fantastic for their elegance, their deep intuition, and their modest use of mathematics. Many of the arguments are the same as those which I and my friends use in the 1990s when we teach courses on relativity. Nobody has learned to improve on those arguments. By contrast, after 1912, complex mathematics abounds in Einstein’s papers - though usually in combination with insights about physical laws. This combination of mathematics and physical insight, which only Einstein among all physicists working on gravity had in the period 1912 - 1915, ultimately led Einstein to the full form of his gravitational laws.
- Kip Thorne

(39) 想象力是数学家最重要的一件事情,而想象力跟人的经历有关系的。所以,是经历影响了人类做数学的风格。比如他自己,出生在安徽马鞍山的和县,项羽投江的地方,刘禹锡写《陋室铭》的地方。在乡下长大,他看到的是天空、原野,数学也做得粗旷,“框架清晰,细节却没有”。而多数数学家,比如老师王元,陈景润,城里出来的,计算会非常精确,细节做得很好,这是他所做不到的。
- 张寿武

(38) 但穆勒知道贝尔通讯公司是不可或缺的,而他也需要一批技术高超的人帮助自己明确现状、计划未来。因此他给予了贝尔通讯公司在总部推行系统工程的指挥权。这实行起来并不容易,各中心不能理解为什么让一个承包商从事总体设计工作。事实证明,贝尔通讯公司并没有靠自身去实操系统工程,而是培养了各中心运用系统工程的能力,确保自己能够在计划中做出适当的取舍。
- 阿瑟·斯洛特金 《迎难而上:乔治·穆勒与NASA载人航天计划的管理》

(37) 他只是坐在那里,嘴里说:“做这个!做那个!”当然,什么都不会发生,光说不做是没有用的。
- 哈里·杜鲁门《总统的权利》《人月神话》所引用

(36) 勃列日涅夫本可以通过缓和对思想和观念的专制来降低党的脆弱性——但是这将产生对他的专制权力的挑战,因此他并不打算那么做。“这是危险的。”克格勃的首脑尤里·安德烈波夫在1974年一次政治局会议上如是警告,这次会议主要讨论如何应对苏联最杰出的作家索尔仁尼琴和最优秀的物理学家安德烈·萨哈罗夫对苏共的批评。
- 约翰·刘易斯·加迪斯《冷战》

(35) 沧浪之水清兮,可以濯吾缨;沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯吾足。

(34) Illustrating this, there is an old joke about the state of early machine translation, which, during the Cold War, targeted translation between Russian and English. As the story goes, the experts tasked the system with translating the phrase, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” into Russian and then back into English. The result was “The vodka is strong, but the meat is rotten.”
- Dan Reed

(33) 卡尔萨根《宇宙》:但我们同时也在反向地影响着气候变化,使地球温度降低。几十万年来,人类一直在燃烧砍伐森林,放牧活动也破坏了大片草地。刀耕火种的农业,对热带森林的工业采伐以及过度放牧在今天仍然猖獗。事实上草原的颜色要比森林浅,而沙漠又比草原颜色更浅,而沙漠又比草原颜色更浅。结果就是地面吸收的太阳光越来越少,随着土地使用目的的改变,我们又在降低地球的表面温度。这种冷却作用有可能使得两极的冰帽面积增大。因为冰帽的颜色更加明亮,会使到达地球的太阳光更多地反射回去,进一步让这一颗行星降温,导致反照率效应不可控。
- 我的评论:在上实际八十年代,即使是一流的天文学家和科普学者在面对气候变化这样的复杂问题时还是会存在严重误判。

(32) My enthusiam and optimism drove me, one evening in November 1976, to wander the streets of Pasadena until late into the night, struggling with myself over whether to propose that Caltech create a project to detect graviatational waves. The arguments in favor were obvious: for science in general, the enormous intellectual payoff if the project succeeded; for Caltech, the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new field; for me, the possibility to have a team of experimenters at my hoe institution with whom to interact, instead of relying primarily on Braginsky and his team on the other side of the world, and the possibility to play a more central role than I could commuting to Moscow (and thereby have more fun). The argument against was also obvious: The project would be risky; to succeed, it would require large resources from Caltech and the U.S. National Science Foundation and enormous time and energy from me and others; and after all that investment, it might fail. It was much more risky than Caltech’s entry into radio astronomy twenty-three years earlier.
- Kip S. Thorne

(31) 发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至云尔。

(30) I was impressed. Braginsky was clever, deep, and had excellent taste in physics; and he was warm and forthright, as easy to talk to about politics as about science. We quickly became close friends and learned to respect each other’s world views. For me, a liberal Democrat in the American spectrum, the freedom of the individual was paramount over all other considerations. No government should have the right to dictate how one lives one’s life. For Braginsky, a nondoctrinaire Communist, the responsibility of the individual to society was paramount. We are our brothers’ keepers, and well we should be in a world where evil people like Joseph Stalin can gain control if we are not vigilant.
- Kip S. Thorne

(29) 无产阶级又何必自相残杀呢,都是为老板打工。
- 父亲 有感于我部门员工被HR辞退的情形

(28) Whereas my dad, ever since I was little, has told me that pursuing your dreams is how you become homeless.
- Jimmy O. Yang joked in The Daily Show

(27) 最毒不过心意把!
- 《人物周刊》,和朋友莫名的笑点,杂志神话人物的传奇性。

(26) 科学的世界需要畅所欲言。
- 父亲有感于武汉疫情

(25) 遇事不决,量子力学。逻辑不通,穿越时空。
- 网友

(24) The Russian school led by Derjaguin worked on capillarity problems for 50 years.
- de Gennes, Brochard-Wyart, and Quéré

(23) 人可以有霉运,但不可有霉相。
- 张伯苓

(22) 自杀没有决心,活着没有信心。
- 父亲在酒桌上笑谈

(21) 别跟我谈房子,票子,娘子,我酒都喝不下了。
- 父亲在酒桌上笑谈

(20) 黄瓜敲锣,摔了一段。
- 吴江莘塔地区歇后语

(19) This book is full of errors.
- Daniel V. Schroeder, commented his own book An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory coauthored with Michael E. Peskin

(18) Derek says it’s always good to end a paper with a quote. He said someone else has already said it best, so if you can’t top it steal from them and go out strong.
- Movie American History X

(17) 工欲善其事,必先利其器。
- 《论语》

(16) 庾信平生最萧瑟,暮年诗赋动江关。
- 杜甫,被张益唐引用

(15) If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six hours sharpening my axe.
- Abraham Lincoln 朋友评论美国版“磨刀不误砍柴工”

(14) If you know what bubble sort is, wipe it from your mind; if you don’t know, make a point of never finding out!
- Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery in Numerical Recipes

(13) If a statistic falls in a reasonable part of the distribution, you must not make the mistake of concluding that the null hypothesis is “verified” or “proved.” That is the curse of statistics, that it can never prove things, only disprove them! At best, you can substantiate a hypothesis by ruling out, statistically, a whole long list of competing hypotheses, every one that has ever been proposed. After a while your adversaries and competitors will give up trying to think of alternative hypotheses, or else they will grow old and die, and then your hypothesis will become accepted. Sounds crazy, we know, but that’s how science works!
- Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery in Numerical Recipes

(12) 阅读霍金,懂与不懂都是收获。
- 书商推销霍金的《时间简史》用的广告语

(11) 德国人用精确到秒的时间做出了世界上最难吃的菜。
- 大学好友

(10) Not all of those problems will lead to papers, but some should, and you should have, say, about four papers by the time you graduate.
- A Professor in VT

(9) We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.
- Dan Quayle

(8) Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
- Albert Einstein

(7) 你们有一个好,全世界跑到什么地方,你们比其他的西方记者跑得还快,就是问的问题too simple, sometimes naive.
- 长者

(6) 中国有句话叫‘闷声大发财’……但是我见到你们这样热情,一句话不说也不好。
- 长者

(5) [It’s] time for the human race to enter the solar system.
- Dan Quayle

(4) What I am going to tell you about is what we teach our physics students in the third or fourth year of graduate school… It is my task to convince you not to turn away because you don’t understand it. You see my physics students don’t understand it… That is because I don’t understand it. Nobody does.
- R. P. Feynman

(3) What you said was so confused that one could not tell whether it was nonsense or not.
- Wolfgang Pauli replied to Lev Landau

(2) The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.
- Albert Einstein

(1) I think we agree, the past is over.
- George W. Bush

Some Useful Tips

(1) Start website server on command line:

jekyll serve