Pass Functor to Functions in C++
Practical algorithm generically applies to a group of functions. For example, It is typical that an integration routine can take different functions as input. Because of the popular usage, this ...
Practical algorithm generically applies to a group of functions. For example, It is typical that an integration routine can take different functions as input. Because of the popular usage, this ...
Inverse problems have wide applications on real-world problems. When I was a PhD student in Oak Ridge, I was very excited at one of my researches on inverse problems of Fredholm integral of the ...
Maurer Rose was introduced by Peter M. Maurer in his paper titled as A Rose is a Rose….
本篇主要介绍一个鼠标追踪的小程序。程序的GUI(graphic user interface )部分是用python的tkinter来实现,追踪算法是用卡尔曼滤波器来实现。
数值计算界的鸿篇巨著Numerical Recipes的第三版(简称NR)有一章专门介绍机器学习的分类算法。笔者最近尝试机器学习,便以此书为入门,记下自己的学习过程。高斯混合模型(Gaussian mixture model)是在机器学习里的一个经典算法。它适用于无监督学习(unsupervised learning)下的聚类问题。本篇主要借鉴(照搬)NR的叙述,从原理出发介绍高斯混合...